Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Morrison Family

As a last minute decision before moving out of Crested Butte, Michelle asked if I'd be willing to get their photos. Problem was, the time frame was very short.... But luckily, my schedule was free and I was able to accommodate them!

Michelle, her husband, Shawn, and their 3 boys were a delight to work with! The boys were hilarious and very easy to shoot - they were handsome and so much fun.

Here are a few of my favorites:

And a small slideshow of a few other favorites:

I wish you the best with your move!

Monday, May 5, 2008

My first gallery showing!

A group of local photographers, The Crested Butte Photography Guild, put together a show around the central theme of "growth" or "decay". Ryan Baldwin, one of the members, offered up his gallery space (970.349.0600) for the show. Because this was my first showing, I wasn't sure how it would all come together, but everyone pitched in and the results were amazing! The photos in the show capture each photographer's personal style. I'll be adding a link to the images when I am able to track it down. But in the meantime, I highly recommend checking it out. The Baldwin Gallery is located at 510 Elk Ave, Suite 1 (just to the north of the Bank of the West at the 4 way stop in Crested Butte).

And what Crested Butte gathering is complete without a few PBRs in the snow?